Wednesday, July 16, 2008

PROBOT MOBILE: Optimized for the NEW iPhone 3G!


Probot Mobile: Optimized for iPhone 3G


Coinciding with the release of the new iPhone 3G, I am pleased to announce a new feature here at, PROBOT MOBILE: Optimized for the iPhone! Now iPhone users can click on our PROBOT MOBILE icon and watch Probot videos easily on this page designed especially for the device.

Here's how it works...

There are THREE ways to enjoy Probot movies on your iPhone/iPod:

#1) On our PROBOT MOBILE page, just tap the image or title of the video you want to see and it will immediately begin playing the .m4v file.

Probot Mobile

Probot Mobile

#2) Or, if you prefer YouTube, just tap the YouTube button probot on YouTube next to the movie and your YouTube application will open and play the video. The downsides of this option are that you cannot access YouTube CHANNELS on your iPhone, cannot rate videos, nor leave comments, AND you have to close the YouTube app and reopen the safari app to return to the PROBOT MOBILE page.

#3) To DOWNLOAD FREE PROBOT VIDEOS, visit the iTunes store on your computer and subscribe to our PODCAST. Unfortunately you can't find our podcast directly from your iPhone, yet, but it's easy to sync your phone to store high quality .m4v versions of our videos! Subscribing to our podcast insures you get the latest videos...

so do it now!

iTunes Probot Podcast

Probot Podcast on iTunes


Rated 5 Stars!

For Non-iPhone mobile users, I will try to expand this new section to make pages optimized for other phones soon. ;)

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